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EU Interreg Programme: European Seminar in London: 30 April

Interreg (European Territorial Co-operation) is an important EU funding opportunity for the arts, culture and creative industries – but a little difficult to understand – for example, there are 8 different strands which UK organisations can apply to – depending on where you are in the UK!  However, in the past 7 years, there have been a significant number of projects funded that have involved a range of UK partners from the arts and culture sectors.

This seminar brings together key staff from the European secretariats of 5 of these strands (including from Norfolk County Council – the first time a UK agency has been a Managing Agency for any of the Interreg strands), together with two experts in the field – Sylvia Amann, Director of InfoRelais in Austria, and Geoffrey Brown, Director of Euclid. The seminar will explain the various strands, with information on the likely criteria and application procedures, and will present case studies of previously funded projects.

The seminar will be run in two parts – in the morning and the afternoon.

The AFTERNOON SESSION is relevant to everyone – it will focus on the 3 strands that together cover the whole of the UK – the North West Europe strand (all of the UK), Atlantic Area strand (west of the UK) and the North Sea strand (east of the UK), and will also include presentations from Geoffrey Brown on the context for the Interreg programme, and from Sylvia Amann who will provide examples of successful projects from across Europe, and who will also provide some information on the Interreg Europe strand, which aims to disseminate information on examples of Interreg related good practice from across Europe.

The MORNING SESSION will focus on the two strands covering the south of England – i.e. the southern and eastern counties and unitary authorities from Norfolk around to Cornwall (specifically Norfolk, Suffolk, Southend-on-Sea, Thurrock, Essex CC, Brighton and Hove, East Sussex, CC, West Sussex, Portsmouth, Southampton, Hampshire CC, Isle of Wight, Medway, Kent CC, Bournemouth and Poole, Dorset CC, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly, Plymouth, Torbay, Devon CC). This session will include presentations from key staff from the two programmes covering these areas, and from at least two case studies of culture projects funded in the last round.

The seminar will be at the Abbey Conference Centre in Westminster, central London.

Delegates can choose to attend either the afternoon or the morning sessions, or both. The cost to attend can be as low as £25 for one session:

To attend just the MORNING or the AFTERNOON session: the standard rate for the morning is £75 and for the afternoon it isf £95 but there are several discounts: £15 early bird (to 26 March), £25 off for Connexus members (£20 per annum, join at, and a £10 discount for those who have attended another Euclid event since January 2013.

To attend the FULL DAY: the standard rate is £135 (excluding lunch) with the following discounts: £25 early bird (to 26 March), £35 off forConnexus members (£20 per annum, join at, and a £15 discount for those who have attended another Euclid event since January 2013.

The early bird discount is already included in the advertised price; the Connexus discount code will be emailed to Connexus members, and, if you are eligible, you can obtain the “previous attendee” code by emailing Euclid ([email protected]) stating the name and date of the event you have attended.

You can book a seminar place at – select whether you want MORNING / AFTERNOON / FULL from the list on the left, and follow the instructions.

And don’t forget there are still places left for Euclid’s CulturEuro seminars, starting 10 March

The Euclid Team